Saturday, January 26, 2013

Week 3: Addition & Subtraction

Class resumed on Tuesday of this week and we continued doing some labeling practice for sets. Some of these practice problems involved shading with parentheses. Here are some of the problems we worked on in class.

Shorthand notation:

Shorthand notation:


Shorthand notation
Shorthand notation:

On Thursday we started off working on sets, but instead of labeling that we have been doing, we incorporated variables such as letters found in two names.

In this problem the letters common letter in each set are underlined. When putting them into the Venn diagram only need to be written once.
In class we also looked at the properties of addition. The first two were the Set Model of Addition and the Measurement/Number Line/Active Model.
Here is an example of each to distinguish between the two when looking at a word problem.
Example of a Set:
Eroll has seven chocolate chip cookies and eight oatmeal cookies. How many does he have altogether?
Example of a Measurement:
Eroll has seven chocolate chip cookies and bakes eight more. How many does he have in total?
Other properties of addition are:
Commutative Property: A + B = B + A
In this property moving the numbers around in order to make the problem easier to solve.
Associative Property: A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C
Grouping numbers together in different ways
Identity Property of 0: A + 0 = A
When adding zero the number stays the same.
We also looked at Number Relationships in math. These concepts are the building block for students to continue learning math.
Spatial Relationships:
Recognizing how many numbers there are without counting by seeing the visual pattern.
One & Two More or Less:
This is not the ability to count on two or count two back from a number, but instead knowing which numbers are one more or two less than any given number.
Benchmarks of 5 & 10:
Since 10 plays such an important role in our number system (2 5s make 10). Students must know how numbers relate to five and ten.
To conceptualize a number as being made up of two or more parts is the most important relationship to develop.
We lastly looked at Models of Subtraction:
Take Away Example:
Eroll has eight dollars. He spends five dollars for a movie ticket. How much money does he have now? (8 - 5 = __ )
Missing Addend Example:
Eroll had five dollars. He found some lying on the ground. Now he has eight dollars. How much money did he find? (5 + __ = 8)
Comparison Example:
Eroll has eight dollars. Kyle has five. How much more money does Eroll have then Kyle?
Number Line/Measurement/Distance Example:
Eroll hiked eight miles. Five were before lunch. How many miles did he hike after lunch?
All of the concepts learned in this week can be applied into the second set of our homework.

Stay tuned for next week's blog and go Cougs!


  1. I thought your blog was very informative. Although I wish there would've been more pictures and less writing. It was a lot to read and similar examples to what we had in class. Although re-reading through all the information really helped me remember all the concepts. And I really enjoyed how you had all the circles drawn out because that is still something I am struggling with and need to work on. Keep up the good work!

  2. I absolutely love your visuals! They are soo helpful, and the examples of the venn diagrams were great and very useful. The definitions did a lot too, especially for review. Your blog is great and i'm definitely gonna use it for review before the test! It goes over everything in a really great, organized system.
